Friday, April 30, 2010


Risks block your way
Imperil your little life
Shed all the difficulties
Ever and forever rise

Assure yourself of success
Never gloom the failure
Definitely its a learning

Success is decidedly yours
Happy you be dear
Insights help you reach
Nifty heights that none
Ever can pull down

written for Acrostic Only...!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Birds flying high
stop to see 
my beautiful 
island of dreams

Little stream
passing through 
the sweet rabbits
running across

The soft clouds
lower themselves
for us to lie upon
to enjoy dreams

The butterflies 
are all around
as the fragrance 
of the flowers fill

Amidst the twinkling stars
and the bright soft moon
with the gurtar's
finest tune
I welcome you to
my Drema Island...!!!

Find more in my LAND OF DREAMS...!!!